Friday 12 August 2011

Eight Republican election debates will be lip tongue Arrow gun

Republican presidential candidate 11 in Iowa held a televised debate, in addition to Obama criticize for the handling of the economy and national debt ceiling, but also attack each other, but not raised with innovative political views. Eight candidates who pledged to participate in the debate will be tax cuts, reduce the size of government to revive the economy, and in 2012, defeating Barack Obama.
Iowa 13 will hold off voting (straw poll), 11-day debate that may affect the result of false voting, and leave the voting results came back, and which candidates will enter the next round of the election will be more clear.
First, to speak in the debate is Congressman Honey snow. Buckman (Michele Bachmann), she insisted that "we should not raise national debt limit," she wanted to convey to Obama's message is: "Your term of office to 2012, you can only make one term president."

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