Tuesday 16 August 2011

Europe seeks to bond for life

The front against Euro-Bonds crumbling. But the common bond of Europe present a dilemma: they can enforce policy only if the monetary union will actually hit the ropes. But then it's too late - because the introduction of the notes takes years.
The inventor of the €-morning air smells Bonds. In the beginning, the criticism was great, but now, the crisis developed, Jakob von Weizsacker said recently in Germany radio: "I believe that you can tell by the one or the other point: Just as this has been presented, is one of not come out of the crisis. So you're thinking too hard about Euro-Bonds. "
The department head in the Thuringian Ministry of Economics had the idea of ​​community bonds in all 17 euro countries in spring 2010, when he still worked for the Brussels-based think-tank Bruegel. At that time seemed to Greece limited debt drama, was not of a permanent crisis of the question. According Weizsacker was immediately dismissed the proposal as a crazy idea.

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