Tuesday 16 August 2011

Civil War in Libya, Rebels cut off supplies from Tripoli

The Ramadan offensive of the Libyan rebels is taking effect: you take strategically important places, one victory closer than Gaddafi. In the capital, Tripoli is doom and gloom is spreading. Another confidant turns away from the despot.
Almost to the day exactly six months after the start of the revolt against the 41-year reign of Muammar al-Gaddafi seems to be a victory for the insurgents for the first time within reach. In recent days, the rebel troops to notch up successes. Your position is as strong as ever.
With the conquest of Surman and Garjan Nafusah in the western mountains of Tripoli, the rebels have cut off the city of Sabha in the south, which is loyal to the dictator. Sawija again, despite sporadic fighting now appears to be in rebel hands, lies on the highway from Tripoli to neighboring Tunisialeads. The insurgents can cut off the capital at will from now on fuel and food supplies. They are available in a wide semicircle around 70 kilometers away from Tripoli. The blockade of seaward side is used by NATO guarantees ships.

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